I know my photo shot fails to give justice to the real yummyness of these cookies. But believe you me, they are really good! My girls finished the five-quite-big-a-chunks of choco chips cookies home made by my friend Hazel, in one sitting.
With fiber healthy friendly ingredients of oatmeal (rolled oats), cereals (kellogs) and choco chips (hershey's), these cookies are sure weenaar!!
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Excellent site you have here. I also have a food blog and was wondering if you would like to exchange links with me. My blog url is http://foodrecipesmadeeasy.blogspot.com/ If you are interested please add my link and them leave me a comment so that I can add also a link back to your site. It will improve our google pagerank since we have the same niche and will give us more visitors.
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Chili Hominy Skillet Recipe