Have you had Turrones de Casoy? It's a wrapped caramelized cashew nuts. It's a local delicacy here in Ph that has been around like ever since the Spanish era. And I had it only last month during my shortest visit in my hometown! My friend who handed me a pack of it was totally like_ "where have you been sister??" and added_ "eat it with the wrapper".
I went_ " are you sure? why?".
Cos it's edible!
The wrapper is actually made of rice paper.

I finished a piece followed immediately by 3 pcs. more, all with the wrappers and I wasn't poisoned, haha. It was delicious. The wrapper complimented the sweetness of the cashew nougat. It actually tasted like the "ostia" or the paper thin-bread Catholics take during communion. Same thing, it sticks on mouth palate just like the ostia.
I finished the whole pack the following day.
Now, this makes me crave for it.
Not a lot of people knows that the wrapper is edible. It should say in the package