Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jolly's Pulutan

Husband birthday is a day ago after New Year's day. Given that everyone has been loaded with hearty fatty dishes from the holidays, I thought the pulutan (beer match snacks) should be light and easy ( for the guests' tummies and for the cook- yours truly. whew!, was never out of the kitchen the whole holidays).

vegetable crudites ; the greens aren't good looking thu'. made the dressing myself, just a homemade thousand island.

colored nachos with meaty dips; be afraid not! ignore the horrible color choice of the manufacturer. safe to eat and really one of the best nachos in town. stay crunchy even air exposed the whole party night. the meaty dip is my own concoction, hailed from a spaghetti meat sauce but stronger and more flavorful.

tacos with curried chicken fillet fillings. not everyone had this thu'. cos I had ran out of shells. inspired by friend Raisa's New Year tacos, I made my own version. loveth! still munching some left overs ;) yep. bought a box of taco shell the next morning. dressing used was the same one as the crudites' thousand island.

atomic bomb/dynamite. however you name it, I claimed my own best concoction of this super hot chilies.

the luxurious cheesy fillings made the chili fingers burnt easily. but tasted great anyhow. I always make sure to get the most suitable picante chilies from the market. anyway, I only cook this special pulutan only on my husband birthdays. so if you want a bite of this, make sure to get an invite for this once a year occasion ;)))
 see more of this here  - last year bday.

jolibee chicken joy & burgers. a kids' party or what??? someone thought ( *winkies to cuz' che ;)) of my hubby's namesake foodchain products, so we had buckets of chicken and bags of burgers. the running joke that night was_ waiting for  jollibee mascot to arrive to greet the celebrant.

hot tuna pasta. something to fill up a ranting tummy before pouring it with alcohol.

Everybody was happy. . .

I guess. . ???

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