Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Selera Restaurant

At Nongsa Point Marina & Resort in Indonesia, we took our lunch at the Selera Restaurant located at the wing of the hotel lobby.

The restaurant succeeds the white domination theme of the hotel.

For me the focal point of Selera is the picturesque  marina spreads infront of the restaurant. However, that day the rainy weather got in the way. I bet, from this focal angle, on a sunny day the marina would be a sight to behold.

I was pretty excited ( I swear I was! I always try to put on a poker face whenever, haha ) to taste Indo dishes. I might have had some of them in SG and Malaysia, but I couldn't specify at this point..

From this menu, the most I was familiar with was _ "goreng". Only because, back home_  mi goreng instant noodles are staple and would always occupy a big space in our weekly grocery cart.

Bestfriend was quick to order her favorite nasi goreng. I cut my confusion and mirrored her choice. She had it a lot of times here. .case closed, haha

Nasi Gorengkoe. Rice with chicken satay, fried chicken, fried prawns, sliced omelette, local pickles and prawn cracker. It's a chef creation and lemme warn you _ everything in the plate was spicy, yes even the rice... haaaahhh, waterrr please!!!!

Rendang. As usual my brother default dish would be meat!! Specifically something beef. Rendang is a popular Indonesian beef stew. The plate was served with rice, local pickles and prawn crackers.

Here in our country, I could compare this plate to our local tapsilog/tocilog/bangsilog. When you get to visit the Philippines, you try our original version of nasi goreng, okey.

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