Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Panciteria Lido

Again this blog has gone in a long pause.
It's me.me.me.
I don't know why but lately it's like_I've lost appetite...
No, definitely not on food..
(gosh, you'd never believe how beyond normal my eating habit is, it's like I'm under eating spell)
But on food blogging.
(I'm so guilty of being biased to my other blog, which is a lot more consistent and frequently updated)
Food photos in a heap and temporarily ignored.
Until today. .
I thought I'd start cutting off the pile. .
Here's one of those :

Pugon roasted asado of Panciteria Lido Cocina Tsina. This roasted cured pork loin was quite good when I thought of it being roasted from an old fashioned brick oven. My husband thu' thought otherwise and still prefers the common street asado cos he thought this was a bit lamely dry and lacking in flavors.

The thing is_ that was our first and so far last time at Lido. I even forgot the date but I'm sure it was this year when one of my daughters had cold and a crave for hot noodles.

The noodle soup must be very tasty for her to finish a bowl sans her appetite and bland taste bud.

The younger one in a perfect appetite had a plate of sweet and sour pork.

Oh, in case you haven't read me mentioning it all over in my past chinese restos post_ it's my youngest's default choice of dish in a chinese resto. Couldn't judge their version here by the way my girl left the plate all cleaned-up. It's one of her favorite dishes and I couldn't remember her recognizing one is better than the others. She always love s&s pork_anywhere.

Well, as I've said, we have never gone back to Lido yet. After that whenever we passed by Lido (Las Pinas branch) it has been temporarily closed since then with a banner announcing to be back soon. As of this time, it's still close. But it has branches all over the metro anyway.


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